cub scout marksmanFor a boy scout, nothing is more satisfying than earning their badge for doing something great. Some badges are relatively simple to get. They include doing things like helping an elderly person or showing kindness to a stranger. Other badges only come from practicing a specific skill to become great at it. These are very coveted badges that a scout may try and earn for months, if not more. One example of this is earning a marksman badge.

The Marksman Badge

rifle merit badgeThe marksman badge is one of the absolute most difficult badges to earn. It is also an award that is in some cases necessary for them to become an Eagle Scout, but it is not always required. Being difficult to earn does not hinder the popularity of it. It is one of the most popular badges to “aim” for.
The skill requires boy scouts to become efficient in the way that they handle either a rifle or a shotgun. Millions of scouts have participated, but since the year 1910, only about 400,000 have actually earned. In order to earn it, you must be qualified as a marksman and meet the requirements set forth by the National Rifle Association.

Follow Your Safety Rules

earn merit badge for rifle shootingSafety rules are always important, but when you are going for a merit badge in marksmanship, it is essential. Most families agree, that the best place for a gun is locked away when kids are near. However, in certain cases, an older scout may be allowed to use them for hunting or target practicing.
The biggest thing for kids to understand is that they should always consider the gun loaded. This means you should never point it at a person, animal, or yourself. Keep the safety on at all times when you are not actively using the gun, but still, think about where it is pointed. Guns have gone off unexpectedly and you do not want a loved one to get injured.
Scouts should also never touch a gun without having a parent there to make sure that things stay safe. The adult should be skilled in how to use and aim a gun and be able to teach the scout everything there is to know about gun safety. It may also be important to find a list of rifle scope manufacturers to discover what they recommend about safely using their scopes.

To go a step beyond that, you may also want to get in contact with someone from the National Rifle Association to see what they recommend you do in pursuit of this badge. Since the NRA and Boy Scouts have been working together for more than a hundred years, they should be able to provide you with extra guidance if you need it.

Anyone Can Do Their Best!

Scouts need to put in a lot of effort to become good at all things. Just because the marksman’s badge is difficult, does not mean it is impossible. You can earn it if it is something you want to do and you set your mind to it. Are you up for the challenge?